
Images loading from IP address on Wordpress

May 1, 2020 5:27:00 PM / by Vu Long Tran posted in web development, blogging, wordpress


If you're like me, you may be surprised to suddenly find that images on some of your posts have an image loading from an IP address instead of your domain name on your Wordpress website.

Images loading from IP address instead of domain name on Wordpress

I did not realise I had some broken images and maybe even images loading off my Wordpress IP address instead of www.dejavuguides.com which is you'd want your visitors to see. (You can read more here if you're interested in why exposing your origin IP address is not a good idea - Cloudflare hides your origin server IP addresses for traffic you proxy to Cloudflare).

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Google Apps for Work promotional code for businesses in Singapore

Apr 30, 2020 12:00:00 AM / by Vu Long Tran posted in tech, google, cloud


Google Apps for Work promotional code businesses in Singapore

Looking for a promotional code to use with your Google Apps?

Well, Google Apps for Work are currently offering 10 USD off per user. 
G Suite pricing starts as low as $6 USD per user per month for Basic, $12 USD per user per month for Business and $25 USD per user per month for Enterprise.
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